L'AIR FRAIS™ Synergy Blend is a delightfully fresh blend to brighten the house environment in your diffuser. Soft and gentle enough for children and the elderly, it will freshen any stuffy room, help rid musky odors and those left by cooking or pets. This is another blend used widely in long term care facilities.
L'Air Frais is formulated from organic lemon, bergamot, pine, juniper, rosalina, lemon thyme and clove bud essential oils.
Use in an ultrasonic or nebulizing diffuser.
For inhalation use only, in a diffuser.
The information provided on these pages is not a substitute for necessary medical care, nor intended as medical advice. Always keep essential oils tightly closed and in a cool, dark place, out of reach of children. Never ingest essential oils. Always dilute essential oils when applying topically and avoid areas around eyes or mucous membranes. If redness or irritation occurs, stop using immediately.
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